Editor's Note: In this issue, The Scientist focuses on the status of cancer research in the United States. The articles below and on pages 6-9 present glimpses of the latest advances. The article beginning at right describes how cancer and AIDS research are related. The article on page 10 offers a look at thyroid cancer treatments from the perspectives of patient and scientist. Commentary (12) and Opinion (13) are by prominent cancer experts. Profession (14-15) assesses the outlook for cancer research careers. Hot Papers (16) offers a discussion on cancer statistics. And Notebook (31) has even more cancer research news.
A long with an alphabet soup of oncogene and tumor suppressor names, presenters frequently uttered the word "exciting" during a series of recent cancer conferences. The reason for this optimism among a group of researchers normally known for their reserve?
"There's a whole new variety of targets ... and new...