The next generation OmniPAGE VS20WAVE-DGGE from Cleaver Scientific is a flexible Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) system. Modular in design the system can be simply adapted to perform most single-base pair mutation detection techniques that are used in DNA mutation analysis.

Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) is a molecular fingerprinting method that separates polymerase chain reaction generated DNA products. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of environmental DNA can generate templates of differing DNA sequence that represent many of the dominant microbial organisms. However, since PCR products from a given reaction are of similar size (bp), conventional separation by agarose gel electrophoresis results only in a single DNA band that is largely non-descriptive. DGGE can overcome this limitation by separating PCR products based on sequence differences that results in differential denaturing characteristics of the DNA.

Incorporating proprietary vertical screw-clamp technology, the VS20WAVE-DGGE is fully equipped with temperature control unit, stirrer, and...

The VS20WAVE-DGGE system includes a powerful microprocessor-controlled PID temperature control unit that enables these various mutation detection techniques to be undertaken between ambient temperature and 70°C with an accuracy of 0.02°C.

The system includes a GM100 gradient mixer that ensures efficient gradient formation by mixing and delivering high and low-density denaturant solutions. Cleaver Scientific's novel vertical screw clamp technology makes gel casting assembly simpler and faster. This together with a range of other innovations results in accelerated set-up of your denaturing PAGE gels.

The modular design of the VS20WAVE-DGGE and its wide range of accessories allow laboratories to effortlessly switch between different mutation detection techniques, thereby maximising throughput and screening efficiency. The system is compatible with microplates and thermal cycler blocks enabling 96-sample throughput which alleviates many of the bottlenecks associated with screening for DNA mutations.

Cleaver Scientific Ltd is a leader in the design and manufacture of innovative electrophoresis equipment and related products for the life science market and general plastic fabrication and assembly. Based in the UK – Cleaver Scientific maintains an experienced manufacturing and technical team enabling it to offer custom, bespoke designed and manufactured units as well as its standard product range. The ISO 9001 accredited company is committed to total customer satisfaction through continuous improvement in its people, products and processes.

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