Universal Technical Systems, Inc.
1220 Rock Street
Rockford, IL 61101-1437
(813) 963-2220
Price: $395. Student version: $44.95
(sold through McGraw-Hill).
Requirements: IBM PC/XT/AT or
compatible. 512 K RAM. Dual floppy/
hard disk. DOS 2.0 or later.

TK!Solver, the oldest equation solver, hit the market in 1984. It had a brief moment of glory as the first of its kind, but, burdened with a difficult and confusing user interface, it never achieved widespread use.

Universal Technical Systems saw promise in the package, however. It bought TK’Solver from its original developers and streamlined the interface, adding pop-up command menus, bottom-of-screen function key menus, extensive onscreen help, improved documentation and a lot more power and sophistication. As a result, the new TKSoIverPlus is a major contender in the equation-solving market. The interface encourages logical problem solving, making the program particularly appropriate for students. (A student version of the program is available through McGraw-Hill,...

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