BOSTON—A Soviet committee created to reduce bureaucracy and increase efficiency within the scientific establishment has received more than 5,000 letters by citizens from all walks of Soviet life. Last month the chairman, Yuri Osipyan (see THE SCIENTIST, January 25, p. 1), carried his message to the annual meeting here of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Osipyan is also director of the Soviet Institute of Solid State Physics. Soviet scientists are eager for more cooperative exchanges with their American colleagues, he said, citing a recent meeting he held with David Pines of the University of Illinois on a possible exchange between the university and the institute.
“We talked about an agreement between the physics and computer engineering departments here and the Joffe Institute in Leningrad,” Pines confirmed in a telephone interview. “We talked about similar agreements between the physics department and both Osipyan’s institute and the Landau Institute ...