As it is, she plans to go on to graduate school for advanced study in pharmacology, a subject she hit upon as she cast about in the sea of different biology concentrations. But now she knows that she can call Gilmer, a cell biologist at Glaxo Inc. in Research Triangle Park, N.C., at any time for advice about her career, thanks to Sease's nomination as a Glaxo Women in Science Scholar by the major pharmaceutical firm. Sease may even work in Gilmer's Glaxo lab this summer, soaking up the fundamentals of research to make up for lost time.
Gilmer, 39, is a mentor to Sease, who is one of 22 students at 11 North Carolina colleges and universities who were named Glaxo Women in Science Scholars late last year, the first awards to be given in the new initiative by the giant drug company. To get the program under way, ...