Why Turkey’s Sea of Marmara Is Full of Marine Snot
Turkish officials are scrambling to clean up a massive, gooey plankton bloom that’s sliming the country’s ports and could suffocate the area’s marine ecosystems.
Why Turkey’s Sea of Marmara Is Full of Marine Snot
Why Turkey’s Sea of Marmara Is Full of Marine Snot
Turkish officials are scrambling to clean up a massive, gooey plankton bloom that’s sliming the country’s ports and could suffocate the area’s marine ecosystems.
Turkish officials are scrambling to clean up a massive, gooey plankton bloom that’s sliming the country’s ports and could suffocate the area’s marine ecosystems.
Tests point to a toxic algal bloom that might have led to the unprecedented deaths of hundreds of African elephants in Botswana earlier this year, but the evidence isn’t conclusive.
Biological production of this greenhouse gas, once thought to be the reserve of anaerobic microbes, occurs in these widespread, photosynthesizing cyanobacteria.
Understanding the dinoflagellates that regularly wreak havoc on marine and nearshore ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico could help researchers mitigate the damage they cause.
A full description of the lifecycle of Karenia brevis could lead to improved monitoring, prediction, and mitigation of the harmful algal blooms it regularly causes.
Citizens of Ohio’s fourth-largest city can drink from the tap again, but the root causes of the Lake Erie algal blooms that shut off the flow for two days remain.
Spawning algal blooms by fertilizing the Southern Ocean with iron could help sink atmospheric carbon to the deep ocean—and maybe slow the course of climate change.