antibiotics antibiotics resistance persister bacteria bacteriophage
Opinion: We Need More than New Antibiotics to Fight Resistance
Metabolic disrupters, phages, and other approaches are going to be needed to treat the broadest possible range of patients infected by bacterial pathogens resistant to multiple drugs.
Opinion: We Need More than New Antibiotics to Fight Resistance
Opinion: We Need More than New Antibiotics to Fight Resistance

Metabolic disrupters, phages, and other approaches are going to be needed to treat the broadest possible range of patients infected by bacterial pathogens resistant to multiple drugs.

Metabolic disrupters, phages, and other approaches are going to be needed to treat the broadest possible range of patients infected by bacterial pathogens resistant to multiple drugs.

bacterial persistance

Search and Destroy
Mary Beth Aberlin | Apr 1, 2014 | 3 min read
Turning a patient’s immune cells into cancer-fighting weapons
Bacterial Persisters
Kerry Grens | Jan 1, 2014 | 3 min read
A bacterial gene shuts down the cell's own protein synthesis, which sends the bacterium into dormancy and allows it to outlast antibiotics.