3D illustration of a blue cancer cell secreting tiny blue exosomes. On the right and left, two purple immune cells flank the cancer cell.
An Exosome Protein Sets the Stage for a Cancer Biomarker
Many cancers upregulate an amino acid transporter to fuel their growth, making this protein a promising tool in tumor detection and therapy.
An Exosome Protein Sets the Stage for a Cancer Biomarker
An Exosome Protein Sets the Stage for a Cancer Biomarker

Many cancers upregulate an amino acid transporter to fuel their growth, making this protein a promising tool in tumor detection and therapy.

Many cancers upregulate an amino acid transporter to fuel their growth, making this protein a promising tool in tumor detection and therapy.

cancer drugs

Abstract waves in red, orange, blue, and purple on a black background.
A Quick and Efficient Strategy for Affinity Screening
NanoTemper Technologies | Dec 7, 2023 | 1 min read
Researchers assessed the binding affinities of PROTAC binary and ternary complexes with Spectral Shift technology.
Histological stain of in blue, red, and green of tumor
Self-Charging Battery Battles Tumors in Mice
Natalia Mesa, PhD | Apr 4, 2023 | 3 min read
A battery that charges itself in salty fluids starves tumors of oxygen, helping improve some drugs treat cancer, a study finds.
Red T cell
Jumping Genes Put a Target on Cancerous Cells
Natalia Mesa, PhD | Feb 14, 2023 | 4 min read
Two studies find that tumor-specific antigens are often peptides that result from a splicing event between exons and transposable elements.
Micrograph image of cancer cells stained violet.
Oral Cancer Survives Starvation with Help from Nearby Nerves
Dan Robitzski | Nov 16, 2022 | 3 min read
Human and mouse oral tumors recruit nerves to produce peptides that the cancer cells need to survive—but this process can be blocked with a migraine drug.
Circular clusters of <em>Staphylococcus aureus</em> drift on a blue background.
Retching Mice Reveal the Brain Circuit Behind Vomiting
Katherine Irving | Nov 2, 2022 | 2 min read
The discovery could one day lead to the development of better antinausea medications.
Man with blue shirt and tie smiling at camera.
Pharmacologist and Olympian David Bailey Dies at 77
Lisa Winter | Oct 7, 2022 | 3 min read
He was best known for his discovery that grapefruit juice makes some medications less effective or potentially dangerous.
An illustration of a mitochondrion, represented by a purple and orange bilayer, synthesizing reddish molecules of ATP.

Mitochondrial Protein Fuels Spread of Head and Neck Cancer 

Patience Asanga | Jul 8, 2022 | 3 min read
Head and neck cancer cells lacking the peptide involved in energy production were less likely to metastasize in mice.
Diffuse star-like shapes with regions in purple, green, and both colors overlapped.
Tumor Cells on Brink of Death May Trigger Metastasis
Alejandra Manjarrez, PhD | Mar 25, 2022 | 5 min read
A new study reports that human colon cancer cells at imminent risk of death can instead develop characteristics needed to colonize new parts of the body.
A stained tissue sample of metastatic pancreatic cancer
Tetanus Immunity Protects Mice Against Pancreatic Cancer
Amanda Heidt | Mar 24, 2022 | 3 min read
Because most people are vaccinated against tetanus as children, delivering benign bacteria carrying a tetanus antigen into pancreatic tumors makes them visible to memory cells in the immune system, researchers report.
Man in lab coat sitting at a lab bench looking at small, stoppered beaker.
Cancer Researcher Donald Pinkel Dies at Age 95
Natalia Mesa, PhD | Mar 18, 2022 | 3 min read
Unsatisfied by how treatments for childhood leukemia failed to prevent the disease’s return, Pinkel combined them all—and virtually cured the disease.
Scientific illustration of a migrating breast cancer cell.
Breast Cancer Cells Churn Out Cholesterol to Fuel Metastasis
Alejandra Manjarrez, PhD | Feb 4, 2022 | 4 min read
A study uncovers a novel connection between the biomolecule and cancer progression.
Salmonella (pink) invading a human epithelial cell (yellow)
Modified Salmonella Revs Immune Response, Combats Tumors in Mice
Natalia Mesa, PhD | Feb 3, 2022 | 5 min read
When coated with positively charged particles, the bacteria shuttled antigens out of tumors and activated the immune system, a study finds.
Photo of older woman dressed in blue smiling and looking at the camera
Cancer Researcher Beatrice Mintz Dies at 100
Natalia Mesa, PhD | Jan 20, 2022 | 2 min read
Mintz’s experiments over her six-decade career were foundational to cancer and genetics research.
fingertips with pills on them
Over-the-Counter Antihistamines Could Help Against Cancer
Alejandra Manjarrez, PhD | Nov 24, 2021 | 3 min read
The binding of histamine with one of its receptors within the tumor environment makes cancer cells more resistant to immunotherapy, according to a new study. Blocking that binding could improve responses to treatment.
visualization of p53 protein interacting with its inhibitors MDM2 and MDMX
p53 Unleashes Endogenous Retroviruses to Tackle Tumors: Study
Marcus A. Banks | Jul 29, 2021 | 4 min read
New experiments suggest the famous tumor-suppressing protein uses viral elements lingering in the genome to get cancerous cells to announce their presence to the immune system.
neutrobots, neutrophils, white blood cells, microrobots, nanorobots, microbots, glioma, brain cancer, paclitaxel, magnetic, swarm, mice
Microscopic Robots Deliver Drugs to the Brain
Asher Jones | Mar 30, 2021 | 5 min read
Researchers turned white blood cells called neutrophils into drug-smuggling “neutrobots,” which penetrated the blood-brain barrier to treat brain cancer in mice.
José Baselga, cancer, research, oncology, AstraZeneca, breast cancer, drugs, therapeutics, obituary, dies
José Baselga, Renowned Oncologist, Dies at 61
Asher Jones | Mar 22, 2021 | 2 min read
The cancer researcher and executive vice president of AstraZeneca’s oncology research and development is well known for his role in the development of pivotal breast cancer therapies.
Emil Freireich, cancer, leukemia, platelets, blood, chemotherapy, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Pioneering Cancer Researcher Emil Freireich Dies at 93
Asher Jones | Feb 5, 2021 | 3 min read
The oncologist developed lifesaving childhood leukemia treatments and revolutionized chemotherapy.
Harnessing Stem Cell–Like T Cells to Better Fight Cancer
Daniel E. Speiser and Werner Held | Jul 13, 2020 | 9 min read
Better understanding the CD8+ T cells already present in tumors could be key to making immunotherapies work for more patients.