Tree Rings, Wildfires, and Climate
Tree Rings, Wildfires, and Climate
Dendrochronologist Valerie Trouet explains what researchers can learn about the climate of the past by looking at tree rings.
Tree Rings, Wildfires, and Climate
Tree Rings, Wildfires, and Climate

Dendrochronologist Valerie Trouet explains what researchers can learn about the climate of the past by looking at tree rings.

Dendrochronologist Valerie Trouet explains what researchers can learn about the climate of the past by looking at tree rings.


Book Excerpt from Tree Story
Valerie Trouet | Mar 1, 2020 | 3 min read
In Chapter 5, “The Messiah, the Plague, and Shipwrecks under the City,” author Valerie Trouet tells the tale of wooden structures crafted by Europeans millennia ago and how dendrochronology helped determine their age.
Opinion: Tree Rings as Soothsayers
Valerie Trouet | Mar 1, 2020 | 3 min read
Not only can studying the growth patterns obscured within tree trunks tell us about the past, the field can also help us plan for the future.