Bees Stopped Buzzing During the 2017 Eclipse
Bees Stopped Buzzing During the 2017 Eclipse
The insects fell silent as the moon cast a shadow over parts of North America last summer, researchers report.
Bees Stopped Buzzing During the 2017 Eclipse
Bees Stopped Buzzing During the 2017 Eclipse

The insects fell silent as the moon cast a shadow over parts of North America last summer, researchers report.

The insects fell silent as the moon cast a shadow over parts of North America last summer, researchers report.


Biologists Will Be Listening to the Eclipse
Kerry Grens | Aug 18, 2017 | 2 min read
At 100 sites around North America, field recorders are set to record natures’ response to the blotting out of the sun on Monday.
What the Sun Does to Photoreceptors
Catherine Offord | Aug 16, 2017 | 4 min read
Optometrist and eclipse-chaser Ralph Chou describes how even a partially eclipsed sun can damage the eye.