The Influence of Soil on Immune Health
The Influence of Soil on Immune Health
Recent work in humans and mice highlights how exposure to environmental microbes helps protect against allergies and other inflammatory diseases.
The Influence of Soil on Immune Health
The Influence of Soil on Immune Health

Recent work in humans and mice highlights how exposure to environmental microbes helps protect against allergies and other inflammatory diseases.

Recent work in humans and mice highlights how exposure to environmental microbes helps protect against allergies and other inflammatory diseases.

green spaces

an illustration of two people hiking
Interactive: How Does Nature Influence Human Health?
The Scientist | Jan 8, 2020 | 1 min read
Time spent in natural environments is linked to improved physical and mental health, but researchers are only now beginning to dig into the mechanisms.
Can Exercise Explain the Health Benefits of Natural Environments?
Emily Makowski | Jan 3, 2020 | 4 min read
Researchers found that people who spend more time outdoors also spend more time being active and socializing, but it probably doesn’t account for all of the health boost associated with green spaces.