Understanding the Blood Cancer Genomic Landscape 
Information about the genomic and immunological characteristics of blood cancers is helping scientists discover and develop new immunotherapies.
Understanding the Blood Cancer Genomic Landscape 
Understanding the Blood Cancer Genomic Landscape 

Information about the genomic and immunological characteristics of blood cancers is helping scientists discover and develop new immunotherapies.

Information about the genomic and immunological characteristics of blood cancers is helping scientists discover and develop new immunotherapies.


A full blood sample vial lying on top of a piece of paper that reads “Acute lymphoblastic leukemia”.
Targeting Leukemia with T Cells That Avoid Self-Destruction
Deanna MacNeil, PhD | Sep 26, 2022 | 3 min read
Researchers found that naturally-occurring CD7-negative T cells avoid self-destruction and are good effectors in CAR T therapy for T cell blood cancers.
Abstract Genetics Disease stock photo
Bridging Disciplines to Study CRISPR-Induced Chromosome Destabilization
Aparna Nathan, PhD | Apr 8, 2022 | 4 min read
A collaboration between friends led to a cautionary finding about CRISPR’s effect on cells.
CRISPR-Edited T Cells Used in Cancer Patients for the First Time in the US
Emily Makowski | Nov 6, 2019 | 2 min read
The initial findings from a small clinical trial of patients with multiple myeloma or sarcoma suggest that gene-edited immunotherapy is safe.