Child getting a bandaid put on by doctor
FDA Green Lights COVID-19 Vaccines for Kids Under 5
Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech shots could be given to the youngest kids as early as June 21.
FDA Green Lights COVID-19 Vaccines for Kids Under 5
FDA Green Lights COVID-19 Vaccines for Kids Under 5

Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech shots could be given to the youngest kids as early as June 21.

Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech shots could be given to the youngest kids as early as June 21.


masked boy sitting in classroom raising his hand
Shrinking Quarantine
Rachael Moeller Gorman | Oct 15, 2021 | 9 min read
The CDC now suggests that only children who were within 3 feet, not 6 feet, of an infected student should quarantine, provided they were masked in a classroom. Does the science support this change?
kidney acute kidney injury covid-19 mis-c children kids nephrology long covid pandemic coronavirus sars-cov-2
Some Children with COVID-19 or MIS-C Face Kidney Injury: Study
Marcus A. Banks | Mar 10, 2021 | 3 min read
The link between SARS-CoV-2 and potential stress to kidneys is unclear, but damage to the organs has been documented in adults with COVID-19 too.
Karishma Kaushik talk to a scientist india science for kids webinar
Q&A: “Talk to a Scientist” Webinar Series for Kids
Harini Barath | Mar 5, 2021 | 4 min read
An interactive online forum keeps Indian kids busy with science while they are stuck indoors during the pandemic.
COVID-19 Symptoms in Kids Most Often Headache, Fever: App Data
Lisa Winter | Sep 8, 2020 | 2 min read
The COVID Symptom Study app aims to help patients and healthcare providers identify patterns in user-reported data.