Cartoon of a silhouetted person’s bright pink brain being shocked by jumper cables
Electrically Zapping Specific Brain Regions Can Boost Memory
Low-intensity electrical stimulation allows older adults to better recall a list of words for at least a month following the treatment, a study finds, providing further evidence for the debated idea that electrical stimulation can enhance cognitive performance.
Electrically Zapping Specific Brain Regions Can Boost Memory
Electrically Zapping Specific Brain Regions Can Boost Memory

Low-intensity electrical stimulation allows older adults to better recall a list of words for at least a month following the treatment, a study finds, providing further evidence for the debated idea that electrical stimulation can enhance cognitive performance.

Low-intensity electrical stimulation allows older adults to better recall a list of words for at least a month following the treatment, a study finds, providing further evidence for the debated idea that electrical stimulation can enhance cognitive performance.

long-term memory

A colorized transmission electron microscope image of an oligodendrocyte (blue) surrounded by cells that it coated in myelin (red outlines).
Brain Fluid from Youngsters Gives Old Mice a Memory Boost
Dan Robitzski | May 11, 2022 | 3 min read
A growth factor found in the cerebrospinal fluid of young mice triggered the proliferation of myelin-making cells when injected into the brains of older mice.
Wild Birds Remember a Novel Task for Nearly Two Years
Amy Schleunes | Feb 18, 2020 | 5 min read
A population of North Island robins in a New Zealand sanctuary provides a unique system for investigating the memory skills of birds in the wild.
fruit fly drosophila melanogaster sperm sex peptide memory reproduction
Sex Promotes Lasting Memories in Female Flies
Ruth Williams | Nov 20, 2019 | 3 min read
A protein present in the ejaculate of male fruit flies activates long-term memory formation in the brains of their female partners.
RNA Moves a Memory From One Snail to Another
Ashley Yeager | May 14, 2018 | 4 min read
Injecting molecules from a sea slug that received tail shocks into one that didn’t made the recipient animal behave more cautiously. 
Long-Term Memory Storage Begins Immediately
Kerry Grens | Jun 1, 2017 | 2 min read
In mice, cells in the prefrontal cortex—where memories are maintained long-term—start to encode a fearful experience right from the start.