fluorescence microscopy of kidney tissue
Artificial Blood Breathes New Life Into Dead Pigs’ Cells
A study’s authors say their oxygenating cocktail may lead to technologies that preserve organs in deceased people for longer periods for transplantation.
Artificial Blood Breathes New Life Into Dead Pigs’ Cells
Artificial Blood Breathes New Life Into Dead Pigs’ Cells

A study’s authors say their oxygenating cocktail may lead to technologies that preserve organs in deceased people for longer periods for transplantation.

A study’s authors say their oxygenating cocktail may lead to technologies that preserve organs in deceased people for longer periods for transplantation.

organ donation

xenotransplantation organ transplant donor shortage organoid stem cell chimera ethics bioethics
Opinion: Develop Organoids, Not Chimeras, for Transplantation
John D. Loike and Robert Pollack | Aug 23, 2019 | 4 min read
Scientists are devising human-animal hybrids for harvesting human organs, but lab-derived mini-organs are a less ethically fraught solution to meeting the need for transplantation.
The Spleen Collectors
Amanda B. Keener | Aug 1, 2015 | 4 min read
Donated organs are helping researchers map out the immune system in humans.