Four study participants in t shirts and shorts sit around a table in a stainless steel chamber. All four are looking at personal electronics and wearing a breathing mask connected to a nearby machine via blue tubing.
A New Culprit in Air Pollution: Reactions Triggered by Human Skin
Oil on human skin reacts with ozone to produce highly reactive radicals that can generate toxic airborne chemicals in indoor spaces.
A New Culprit in Air Pollution: Reactions Triggered by Human Skin
A New Culprit in Air Pollution: Reactions Triggered by Human Skin

Oil on human skin reacts with ozone to produce highly reactive radicals that can generate toxic airborne chemicals in indoor spaces.

Oil on human skin reacts with ozone to produce highly reactive radicals that can generate toxic airborne chemicals in indoor spaces.


Ozone-Depleting Chemicals Led 20th Century Arctic Warming: Study
Lisa Winter | Jan 21, 2020 | 2 min read
Chlorofluorocarbons and other substances were banned in 1989 under the Montreal Protocol.
A Vast Majority of the World’s Population Breathes Unsafe Air
Catherine Offord | Apr 17, 2018 | 2 min read
A new report estimates that 95 percent of people live in areas with dangerously high levels of fine particulate matter such as dust and soot.
UV Radiation Frying Marine Life
Cristina Luiggi | Aug 13, 2012 | 1 min read
A study suggests that increased UVB radiation from the sun is behind the decline of many marine species.
Ozone Defender Dies
Cristina Luiggi | Mar 13, 2012 | 2 min read
Nobel Laureate Sherwood Rowland, who first demonstrated that the ozone layer could be destroyed by chemical pollutants, passes away at age 84.