An image of neurons, astrocytes, and other glial cells acquired using fluorescence microscopy.
Troubleshooting Fluorescence Microscopy Experiments
Delve into the tactics used by scientists to overcome fluorescence microscopy’s greatest obstacles.
Troubleshooting Fluorescence Microscopy Experiments
Troubleshooting Fluorescence Microscopy Experiments

Delve into the tactics used by scientists to overcome fluorescence microscopy’s greatest obstacles.

Delve into the tactics used by scientists to overcome fluorescence microscopy’s greatest obstacles.


“Alive” and In Focus
Sarah Webb, Knowable Magazine | Oct 1, 2012 | 7 min read
Imaging viruses in action
The Sharper Image
Jeffrey M. Perkel | Oct 1, 2012 | 7 min read
Advances in light microscopy allow the mapping of cell migration during embryogenesis and capture dynamic processes at the cellular level.