

Book Excerpt from Every Life is On Fire

Image of the Day: Fly Reconstruction

Definition of Kilogram to Change

Image of the Day: Cracked Skin

Physics Nobel Goes to Laser Pioneers

Renowned Physicist Stephen Hawking Dies

Opinion: Microbiology Needs More Math

Nobel Laureate and Laser Scientist Dies

MRI Pioneer Peter Mansfield Dies

May the Force Be with You

How Are Earwax and Body Odor Linked?
A single gene controls earwax and body odor, shaping one’s unique scent through microbes.

Postdocs Who Publish Hit Papers Are More Likely to Stay and Succeed in Academia
Data show that postdoctoral productivity and citations influence academic success, highlighting the underappreciated importance of postdoctoral training.

Freeze on NIH Grant Reviews Leaves Scientists Confused and Frustrated
An unprecedented federal ban on scientific meetings halts research progress, sparking widespread concern across the scientific community.

In a First, Mouse Pups with Two Dads Live to Adulthood
By using genetic material from two male mice, researchers successfully created pups that survived to adulthood, offering insights into unisexual reproduction in mammals.

A Visual Guide to Lentiviral Gene Delivery
Learn how to overcome the challenges of viral transduction workflows.

Detecting Novel Viruses Using a Comprehensive Enrichment Panel
Learn how a target enrichment approach improves the discovery and characterization of viral pathogens.