Swamped by Sargassum: The New Normal for Caribbean Beaches
Scientists are pretty sure they know where the seaweed is coming from. Now they want to know why it’s here.
Swamped by Sargassum: The New Normal for Caribbean Beaches
Swamped by Sargassum: The New Normal for Caribbean Beaches

Scientists are pretty sure they know where the seaweed is coming from. Now they want to know why it’s here.

Scientists are pretty sure they know where the seaweed is coming from. Now they want to know why it’s here.


sargassum seaweed caribbean climate change
Attack of the Seaweed
Chia-Yi Hou | Aug 6, 2019 | 1 min read
Sargassum is piling up on Caribbean beaches, smothering nearshore ecosystems, driving off tourists, and compelling researchers to figure out why it’s suddenly so abundant.