sex chromosome
Sex Ratios at Birth Linked to Pollutants
How a Pea Aphid Decides to Make Wings or Not
Switch Master: A Profile of Barbara Meyer
Why Is Cancer More Common in Men Than in Women?
X Marks the Sex-Skewed Spot
Lizard Swaps Mode of Deciding Its Sex
Lost Y Chromosome Genes Found on Autosomes
Doris Bachtrog: Sex Chromosome Wrangler
Focus on Sex
Vanishing Y Chromosomes
Female Pigs May Sense Sex of Sperm
Week in Review, July 22–26
X Marks the Spot for Sperm Production
A Common Plastic Additive Harms DNA and Chromosomes
Plastic chemicals may harm DNA, as new research reveals how additives disrupt nematode egg formation, suggesting risks to human reproductive health.
Why Does Geosmin Smell?
Researchers shed light on why microbes make the chemicals responsible for petrichor, the earthy smell of recent rain.
Why Do Some People Get Drunk Faster Than Others?
Genetics and tolerance shake up how alcohol affects each person, creating a unique cocktail of experiences.
Sole Fibroblasts Injected into Thighs Help Develop a Thicker Skin
Volar injections made thigh skin thicker. This therapy could potentially help prevent pressure-induced skin damage in patients using prosthetics.
Understanding the Nuts and Bolts of qPCR Assay Controls
Explore how the design and application of appropriate assay controls ensure accurate and reproducible qPCR results.
Reaching New Heights with Genetic Engineering Techniques
From genetically modified mosquitoes to clinical therapies, learn how scientists apply gene editing techniques to answer a range of important research questions.