Vector illustration of a courthouse with test tubes as pillars
CRISPR Patent Ruling Favors Broad Institute
The US Patent and Trademark Office has once again decided that the institute has priority over the University of California and collaborators regarding intellectual property rights for CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing in eukaryotes. But the fight over the technique isn’t over.
CRISPR Patent Ruling Favors Broad Institute
CRISPR Patent Ruling Favors Broad Institute

The US Patent and Trademark Office has once again decided that the institute has priority over the University of California and collaborators regarding intellectual property rights for CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing in eukaryotes. But the fight over the technique isn’t over.

The US Patent and Trademark Office has once again decided that the institute has priority over the University of California and collaborators regarding intellectual property rights for CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing in eukaryotes. But the fight over the technique isn’t over.


Women Less Successful When Applying for Patents
Diana Kwon | Apr 18, 2018 | 3 min read
An investigation of 2.7 million patent submissions in the U.S. finds gender disparities throughout the application process.
Video: Patent Battle Over CRISPR Gene Editing
Jef Akst | Dec 13, 2016 | 1 min read
The Scientist goes to court for a CRISPR patent interference case at the US Patent and Trademark Office.
New CRISPR Patent Issued
Jef Akst | Feb 18, 2016 | 1 min read
Caribou Biosciences receives a patent related to the gene-editing technology.
“Heroes of CRISPR” Disputed
Tracy Vence | Jan 19, 2016 | 4 min read
Critics have harsh words for the Broad Institute’s Eric Lander and Cell over a recent perspective piece describing the history of CRISPR.
Guidelines for Gene Patent Ruling
Jef Akst | Mar 7, 2014 | 1 min read
The USPTO offers guidance to its patent examiners on how to interpret the Supreme Court’s rulings in the recent Myriad and Prometheus cases.