In areas where gray wolf populations have grown, motorists have fewer collisions with deer, likely due to the predators keeping deer away from roadways.
If signed, the law would boost funding for independent contractors to kill wolves and would allow for more than 90 percent of the population in the state to be taken by hunters.
Monitoring the comings and goings of aquatic life with traces of DNA in water has become an established biomonitoring technique, but scientists are now using environmental DNA to assess terrestrial animals.
The US Department of the Interior determined that the population has rebounded enough to no longer need Endangered Species Act protection; conservation biologists disagree.
Researchers plan to relocate mainland wolves to an island in Lake Superior in an effort to boost the near-extinct predator population and limit the growth of local moose herds.
A genomic study suggests that dogs diverged from wolves in Southeast Asia 33,000 years ago, contrary to reports placing their origins elsewhere on the continent.