Judy Mikovits, the controversial researcher who claimed to establish a link between chronic fatigue syndrome and a virus, has coauthored a book set to publish in May.
The criminal charges that had been brought upon chronic fatigue syndrome researcher Judy Mikovits for stealing data from her former employer have been dropped.
Judy Mikovits, notorious in the scientific community since she claimed to link a mouse retrovirus to chronic fatigue syndrome, has been arrested and is being held in jail.
A research institute has filed a lawsuit against its former employee, Judy Mikovits, who claimed to link a mouse retrovirus to chronic fatigue syndrome.
Researchers publish yet another study against the link between a murine leukemia virus and chronic fatigue syndrome, and partially retract the original results.
Two studies point to contamination of patient samples as the cause of a controversial 2009 finding that linked the mouse virus XMRV with chronic fatigue syndrome.