So you were passed over for the Nobel Prize (again!) in 1989. Chin up. You probably weren't ready for it, anyway. I don't mean that your research wasn't worthy. And I'm not talking about the public adulation or the prize money. I mean the media attention - the onslaught of TV and radio reporters. You may understand megabytes and particle spin, but what do you know about "sound bites" or putting "spin" on a story?
Well, I can help. I'm one of those broadcast news reporters who'll be calling when you do win - or maybe even before.
Some scientists are media-shy - and that's understandable. You've probably seen or heard more than a few stories that were off the mark, or just plain wrong. But you can help prevent that, if you're willing to give us a little of your time. Talking with reporters really isn't painful. In fact, ...