People have a right to expect healthcare services to be simple and intuitive. And this journey toward creating a more frictionless healthcare experience depends on messages that don’t scare or confuse but connect and empower.
For precision medicine research to achieve its goal, all people must believe that there is value in providing information about themselves and their families, and that their participation will translate into equitable distribution of benefits. This requires an ethics of inclusion. . .
1. Site of some experiments on vestibular function
4. Like each case in personalized medicine
8. Word before limb or orchid
10. Insect in its adult stage
11. Type of cranial nerve
12. Curative treatment
13. DNA testing results
17 . How “test-tube babies” are fertilized (2 wds.)
19. Croatian-born pioneer in alternating current
21. Crown + neck + roots
22. Timekeeper using a gnomon
23. Knee jerk or eye blink
24. Doctorspeak or technobabble
1. What can make liquid flow uphill2. Fungus studied ...