An international group of senior scientists has appealed to Presidents Bush and Yeltsin for a permanent ban on nuclear explosive testing by the United States and Russia. In June, nine members of the Executive Committee of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs—chaired by John Holdren, a professor of energy and resources at the University of California, Berkeley—sent a letter to the two leaders, who were coming together for a summit meeting. The letter implored them to recognize that “nuclear testing nourishes the impression that these weapons have legitimate military applications for which the most advanced military powers envision a continuing and evolving need. This cannot fail to reinforce beliefs in the usability of nuclear weapons, hence will increase the chance of their use. ” The letter is a manifestation of the Pugwash group's continuing commitment to peace. Pugwash Conferences take their name from a fishing village in Nova ...
Top Scientists Send Nuclear Test Ban Plea To Bush, Yeltsin
An international group of senior scientists has appealed to Presidents Bush and Yeltsin for a permanent ban on nuclear explosive testing by the United States and Russia. In June, nine members of the Executive Committee of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs—chaired by John Holdren, a professor of energy and resources at the University of California, Berkeley—sent a letter to the two leaders, who were coming together for a summit meeting. The letter implored them to

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Barbara Spector
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