The so-called IT 86 committee, formed early last year, has recommended $800 million in further research and $700 million for applications programs over an unspecified five-year period. Of the total for research, $75 million would be allocated among academic researchers. The funds would help to relieve the current financial crisis, especially with respect to new equipment and facilities, facing most universities.
The government should contribute about one-fourth of the total amount to be spent on applications and more than one-half of the total for research, the report explained, with industry supplying the remainder. Its contribution would include continued participation in the Esprit program, a collaborative effort with other members of the European Community on various high-technology projects.
The committee's proposals are designed to ensure that results from the five-year Alvey program, scheduled to end in 1989, are carried forward. Alvey has established several collaborative research programs between uiniversities and industries ...