Driven by a vision that reaches across time, distance, and space, the International Space University opened its doors last month, welcoming an elite group of students and faculty from around the world. For nine weeks at MIT, 105 graduate-level students from 20 countries will study such topics as space policy and law, space architecture, and satellite applications with experts from academia, industry, and government. The unique program—founded by two graduate students—will occur next summer and is tentatively scheduled to take place at the University of Toulouse in France. By 1 992—International Space Year—the university hopes to offer year-round classes at a permanent location. For information, write: ISU, 636 Beacon Street, Suite 202, Boston, Mass. 02215.
The number of people who can splice genes has not kept pace with the rapid growth of the biotechnology field, and Washington University is working to help fill the gap. This fall, the school is ...