WASHINGTON—Members of the first of five newly created U.S.-Soviet joint scientific working groups have reached a tentative agreement to exchange data on space life sciences and rekindled hope for longlasting coordination of overall research efforts in space.
The joint group, which met for six days last month in Moscow, agreed to update a comprehensive space biology and medicine text published jointly in the 1970s and to form a subgroup to explore cooperative projects in extraterrestrial biology. Delegations also shared background information on ground-based and in-flight biomedical experiments and reaffirmed a commitment to fly U.S. experiments on a Soviet Cosmos biosatellite scheduled for launch this month.
The seeds of the new ccoperative spirit were planted last year, when the United States revived a bilateral space ccoperation agreement that had been in place for 10 years before the Reagan administration in 1982 allowed it to lapse. In April, the two nations signed ...