The water boatman (Micronecta scholtzi), above, is only 2mm long but is the loudest animal ever to be recorded, relative to its body size.JEROME SUEUR
Pealing penis
The tiny water boatman, Micronecta scholtzi, is the world’s loudest animal relative to its size and the surprisingly noisy song originates from the animal’s penis, according to research published last month (June 15) in PLoS One. The bug runs its “genitalia appendage,” as the authors call it, along groves in its abdomen to produce the cricket-like song (listen). The mating call peaks at 99.2 decibels, which is the equivalent of sitting in the front row of a loud orchestra or standing 15 meters from a hurtling freight train, Wired reports. (Hat tip to ScienceNOW.)
Lizards as smart as birds
Little green anoles solve complex tasks just as well as birds and mammals, researchers reported yesterday (July 12) in Biology Letters, challenging the belief ...