Sidebar: Ethics Journals
'THE RIGHT OUTLET': The purpose of Science and Engineering Ethics is to encourage practicioners to write ethics articles, notes Western Hemisphere editor Stephanie Bird. A search conducted on the Science Citation Index, published by the Philadelphia-based Institute for Scientific Information, found that the number of journal articles with the root word 'ethic' in their titles almost doubled between 1987 and 1996. "Ten years ago, there were about three to four major, vital journals in the field of bioethics," says Arthur Derse, associate director for medical and legal affairs at the Center for the Study of Bioethics at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. "Now the number is closer to 15. The amount of literature out there now is outstripping the ability of any bioethicist to be a comprehensive reader in the field." (The list on page 3 includes some of the journals that have started in ...