Eye popping from MTV to the lab
When linkurl:Song Zhang,;http://www.me.iastate.edu/who-we-are/people-and-offices/faculty-directory/zhang-song.html a mechanical engineer at Iowa State University, was approached by U2's people last spring asking if the band could use his novel 3D imaging technology for a concert performance, he immediately sent an email to his lab asking: "Does anyone know who U2 is and whether or not we should spend time on them?" Zhang had a similarly hard time two years ago deciding if collaborating with alt
**__Related stories:__***linkurl:2009 Top 10 Innovations;http://www.the-scientist.com/2009/12/1/41/1/
[December 2009]*linkurl:An Integrated Approach to Fluorescence Imaging;http://www.the-scientist.com/article/display/13351/
[28th October 2002]*linkurl:Imaging Cells in Four Dimensions;http://www.the-scientist.com/article/display/12885/
[18th February 2002]

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Cristina Luiggi
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