Funds for five first-time MERCK-AFCR Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships will be available July 1, 1991, for U.S. and Canadian M.D.-Ph.D. scientists. The program is jointly sponsored by the Rahway, N.J.-based Merck Sharp & Dohme Research Laboratories and the American Federation for Clinical Research Foundation (AFCR). Candidates for these new fellowships must have already been accepted by an appropriate institution for a postdoctoral training program. Fellowship funds are slated for research work in the basic biomedical sciences, including biological chemistry, genetics, immunology, and physiology.
During the fellow's tenure, up to three days will be spent sharing research results in the Merck Research Laboratories. Each initial one-year award consists of a $40,000 stipend and another $3,000 for travel, memberships, and journal subscriptions. Each host institution will receive $7,000 for supplies for the fellow's research. Renewal funding is available for an additional two years.
Applications are due October 1. For more information, contact MERCK-AFCR ...