Awards Honor Epilepsy Research
Now in its second year, the American Epilepsy Society Awards Program recognizes young and senior investigators who are trying to understand and prevent childhood-onset epilepsy. The society seeks nominations for five awards to be made during its annual meeting in November. Two awards of $150,000 apiece go to senior investigators - one to a clinical researcher and the other to a basic scientist -whose research into the pediatric aspects of epilepsy has a long track record of achievement. Also, the society gives three $50,000 prizes to young investigators whose work shows promise in fighting this disease.
Nominations should come from the scientists' peers; selections are made by a committee assembled by the society. In its first year, 32 scientists were nominated for the five awards. The deadline is July 2. For more information, contact the American Epilepsy Society Awards Program, AES Executive Office, 638 Prospect Ave., ...