When scientists accept a nomination to become Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) investigators, they become employees of HHMI, receiving full financial support for salary, staff, and equipment in renewable appointments of three, five, or seven years. However, HHMI investigators--who conduct their work at universities and medical centers across the United States-- still maintain their institutional appointments. Under a collaborative agreement between these institutions and HHMI, investigators must spend 75 percent of their time doing research, while the other 25 percent can be devoted to activities such as teaching, mentoring graduate students, and serving on committees. In return, the investigators receive support for themselves, research technicians, and post- doctoral fellows. HHMI also pays for administrative services and laboratory overhead and supplies. Institute officials say the number of new female appointees for this year will nearly double the current roster of 25 women who are HHMI investigators. At the same time, the ...
Hughes Institute Moves To Bolster Female And Minority Participation
When scientists accept a nomination to become Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) investigators, they become employees of HHMI, receiving full financial support for salary, staff, and equipment in renewable appointments of three, five, or seven years. However, HHMI investigators--who conduct their work at universities and medical centers across the United States-- still maintain their institutional appointments. Under a collabo

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Karen Kreeger
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