Investigating the cell's response to changes in oxygen levels has become a central goal for cancer researchers, as low-oxygen conditions play a role in the resistance of tumors to radiation and chemotherapy, and are also critical in stimulating blood vessel growth.1 Scientists studying the genes and proteins involved in oxygen response pathways are increasingly seeking reliable ways to control sample environments.
To facilitate this research, Biotrace International, headquartered in Wales, has developed a line of workstations that use a gas-exchange system to maintain cells in stable conditions down to 0% oxygen. The newest addition to the line is the Ruskinn Invivo21000, which features two atmospherically and temperature-controlled chambers connected by an airlock; either chamber can be set for anoxic (oxygen-free) or hypoxic (below 21% oxygen) conditions, offering users a convenient way to expose samples to two different atmospheric environments. Each chamber is supplied with an optional removable front panel ...