
Focus on Cancer
The Scientist Staff | Apr 10, 2005 | 1 min read
is one usually met with utter dread.
Tissue Microarrays Go Mainstream
Anne Harding | Apr 10, 2005 | 6 min read
The biggest news these days in tissue microarrays (TMAs) may be that this former "next big thing" has become a standard tool for molecular profiling of disease.

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Meet This Issue's Contributors
Meet This Issue's Contributors
currently works at the University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, where his research centers on the evolution of color vision in humans.


Women, Science, and Academia: A Three-Point Plan
Women, Science, and Academia: A Three-Point Plan
ve questions such as, "Can women do math?" Women can do math, they can do science, and they can do engineering.


A better way to His-tag
A better way to His-tag
I would like to report a significant drawback of the 6x polyhistidine (His) tag for affinity chromatography.
Postdocs: employees or not?
Postdocs: employees or not?
In your article on postdoc working conditions you quote Keith Micoli of the National Postdoctoral Association as saying that the wording of a NIH National Research Service Award "prohibits institutions from classifying fellowship recipients as employees."
Changes at Max Planck
Changes at Max Planck
could mislead the reader into thinking that it is just fantasy that the policy of the MPG is to grant different contractual conditions to PhD students based on their nationality.
The Vision of RNA
The Vision of RNA
present his thoughts on the likely very important roles of regulatory RNA species in metazoan development, and I have joined the ranks of passionate amateurs intrigued by the implications.


Special delivery: Your n
Special delivery: Your n
In the fall of 2003, researchers at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston were facing a problem.
British science saved
British science saved
If you are concerned that British science is on life support, you should worry no more. British science, it turns out, has been saved.
The Petri dish of security
The Petri dish of security
walking barefoot every day through a corridor of filthy, unwashed floors.
No art please, we're scientists
No art please, we're scientists
As one of the world's biggest funders of biomedical science, the Wellcome Trust can usually gather scientists to a party like honey attracts bees.


Oncomine and caBIG Advance Cancer Bioinformatics
Oncomine and caBIG Advance Cancer Bioinformatics
The Google search engine has revolutionized knowledge dissemination over the Internet.

Hot Paper

Survival's Signature
Survival's Signature
Metastasis, the leading cause of cancer deaths, remains a poorly understood phenomenon.


Speciation's Defining Moment
Speciation's Defining Moment
Evolutionary biologists, both theoreticians and empiricists, have argued for decades about the relative merits of two speciation scenarios: allopatry and sympatry.
Getting by in a Game without Winners
Getting by in a Game without Winners
A time-honored tradition for choosing teams, riding shotgun, and settling other childish disputes, the game called rock-paper-scissors has been around far longer than humans have been playing it.


Mammals feed off yeast pathway
Mammals feed off yeast pathway
The biochemical pathway that senses amino acid deficiencies in yeast is also at work in mammals, according to researchers at the University of California, Davis.
hinders mismatch repair
hinders mismatch repair
National Cancer Institute researcher Eric Huang and colleagues have identified a mechanism that promotes mutations under hypoxic conditions.
Sperm fusion protein identified
Sperm fusion protein identified
Japanese researchers have identified a sperm protein that is essential for the fusion of the sperm and egg membranes during fertilization.


The Million-Dollar Mislabel
The Million-Dollar Mislabel
In June 2003, the US Environmental Protection Agency surprised Plymouth State University in New Hampshire with a routine inspection of how their labs were managing chemical waste.

Tools and Technology

Unraveling Protein Folding
Unraveling Protein Folding
Figuring out how denatured proteins morph into their folded, active forms isn't just a challenge; it's one of the most elusive problems in biology.


A Shrinking Target
A Shrinking Target
Clifford Siporin, the president of Greystone Pharmaceutical Consultants, a contract research organization (CRO) in Parkland, Fla., has a challenge.
DNA Databases: The New Dragnet
DNA Databases: The New Dragnet
Last November, California voters passed a $3 billion proposition, fondly known as Prop. 71, to fund stem cell research.
A Question of Chimeras
A Question of Chimeras
Looking to cure a host of neurodegenerative diseases, StemCells, a Palo Alto, Calif.-based company, has transplanted human neural stem cells into the brains of thousands of mice.
Biodefense spending by the numbers
Biodefense spending by the numbers
Biodefense Spending DataIn late February, 758 microbiologists signed an open letter claiming that the number of NIH grants for research on bacteria and yeast had dropped precipitously since 2000 compared to the previous five-year period (see That drop, they say, was due to funding being siphoned off into billions of dollars in biodefense spending. In response, NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases claimed just the opposite &#


Hungarian academics face job loss
Hungarian academics face job loss
Hundreds of scientists at Hungary's universities may lose their jobs after the government mandated a 7.5% raise for faculty on January 1 but did not provide enough money to cover the extra expense.
French researchers strike over government policies
French researchers strike over government policies
More than 8,000 scientists took to the streets of Paris and other cities across France in March to protest against the government's proposed reforms of the science system.
Researcher's faked data leads to lifetime ban on US grants
Researcher's faked data leads to lifetime ban on US grants
Eric Poehlman, a well-known obesity researcher with more than 200 articles to his name, says he fabricated data in 17 applications for US federal grants and agreed to be barred for life "from seeking or receiving funding from any federal agency in the future, including all components of the Public Health Service."

Reverse Transcript

The Dynamic Duo
The Dynamic Duo
One day in the early 1990s, Bert Vogelstein was showing fellow cancer researcher Sandy Markowitz around his lab at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions in Baltimore.