Phenotypic CRISPR Screening: Looking Beyond Cell Viability To Study Complex Genetic Interactions from thescientistllc on Vimeo.
CRISPR screening, whether using knockout, activation, or inhibition approaches, has become an essential tool for drug discovery. A powerful adaptation of CRISPR screening is created by coupling pooled NGS-linked or arrayed screening strategies with phenotypic measurements. By using an advanced combination of techniques, this screening strategy can be targeted to detect genes that drive complex biological responses via biomarker signal readout or a panel of high content parameters. Scientists at Horizon, the sponsor of this LabTools webinar, have developed both FACS-linked and HCA-based strategies for analysis where cellular pathophysiology is uncoupled from cell health, providing much richer and biologically relevant outcomes. In this webinar, we will discuss data obtained and strategies learned from several successful screens and present ongoing work using increasingly relevant cell models, such as T cells and using single cell RNAseq-based ...