—Johns Hopkins University president Ronald Daniels, writing in a recently published PNAS paper, in which he reports that the number of principal investigators 36 years or younger with a National Institutes of Health grant declined from 18 percent in 1983 to only 3 percent by 2010 (January 9)
—Steve Caplan, biochemist and molecular biologist at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, on the state of researchers’ job prospects and security (January 9)
—Rich Ross, new president of the Discovery Channel, speaking at a Television Critics Association’s semiannual press tour in Pasadena, CA, about controversial shows, such as 2013’s Megalodon: The Monster Shark Lives, which many critics slammed for being sensationalist and unscientific (January 8)
—Meredith and Robert Root-Bernstein, daughter/father biologists at Aarhus University and Michigan ...