Two prime editing guide RNAs (pegRNAs), deliver Cas9 enzymes to targeted regions of the genome.
Infographic: Two Guide RNAs Make for Large, Stable Insertions
A new technique goes beyond CRISPR and writes two complementary strands of DNA directly into the genome.
Infographic: Two Guide RNAs Make for Large, Stable Insertions
Infographic: Two Guide RNAs Make for Large, Stable Insertions

A new technique goes beyond CRISPR and writes two complementary strands of DNA directly into the genome.

A new technique goes beyond CRISPR and writes two complementary strands of DNA directly into the genome.

guide RNAs

Genetic Syndrome and Genetic Disorder, 3D illustration of science concept.
With Two RNA Guides, Editing Technique Writes Long DNA Insertions
Dan Robitzski | Jun 13, 2022 | 3 min read
The approach, called GRAND, uses a second guide RNA to write complementary strands of DNA in targeted genomic locations, resulting in efficient insertions that can be hundreds of base pairs long.
A Selection of CRISPR Proof-of-Principle Studies
Kelly Rae Chi | Mar 1, 2017 | 7 min read
Advice on how to deploy the latest techniques in your own lab