Great Minds Don't Think Alike
Book Excerpt from Great Minds Don't Think Alike
In the introduction, editor Marcelo Gleiser establishes the need for dialogue across the science-humanities divide in academia.
Book Excerpt from Great Minds Don't Think Alike
Book Excerpt from Great Minds Don't Think Alike

In the introduction, editor Marcelo Gleiser establishes the need for dialogue across the science-humanities divide in academia.

In the introduction, editor Marcelo Gleiser establishes the need for dialogue across the science-humanities divide in academia.


Great Minds Don't Think Alike
Opinion: Bridging the Intellectual Divide
Marcelo Gleiser | Dec 1, 2021 | 3 min read
To solve modern problems, we must integrate the sciences and the humanities and think across these traditionally disparate disciplines.
Book Excerpt from Wondrous Truths
J.D. Trout | May 31, 2016 | 4 min read
In Chapter 2 author J.D. Trout highlights the dividing line between truth and scientific “fact.”