panels depicting mossy fiber synapses and glutamate signaling dynamics
Infographic: Reverse Signaling Between Neurons
So-called mossy fiber synapses in the hippocampus can meter the amount of neurotransmitter they receive by sending glutamate against the usual direction of synaptic flow.
Infographic: Reverse Signaling Between Neurons
Infographic: Reverse Signaling Between Neurons

So-called mossy fiber synapses in the hippocampus can meter the amount of neurotransmitter they receive by sending glutamate against the usual direction of synaptic flow.

So-called mossy fiber synapses in the hippocampus can meter the amount of neurotransmitter they receive by sending glutamate against the usual direction of synaptic flow.

post-tetanic potentiation

artistic representation of a neuron synapse with light and dark dots passing between two axons
Hippocampal Cell Communication Is Bidirectional: Study
Christie Wilcox, PhD | Jun 4, 2021 | 6 min read
In an unexpected twist in neuroscience dogma, the cells on the receiving end of neurotransmission appear to be able to release glutamate to regulate the transmitting cell’s activity.