Model of fly brain neuron connections
How Larval Fruit Fly Brains Convert Sensory Signals to Movement
A wiring map diagrams more than half a million neuronal connections in the first complete connectome of Drosophila and holds clues about which brain architectures best support learning.
How Larval Fruit Fly Brains Convert Sensory Signals to Movement
How Larval Fruit Fly Brains Convert Sensory Signals to Movement

A wiring map diagrams more than half a million neuronal connections in the first complete connectome of Drosophila and holds clues about which brain architectures best support learning.

A wiring map diagrams more than half a million neuronal connections in the first complete connectome of Drosophila and holds clues about which brain architectures best support learning.

sensory input

Photo of newborn mouse pups
Retinal Activity Prepares Blind Newborn Mice for Vision
Ruth Williams | Jul 22, 2021 | 3 min read
Spontaneous waves of nerve impulses flowing across the retina help mouse pups practice motion detection for when they eventually open their eyes.
How One Neuron Regulates Two Separate Behaviors
Ruth Williams | Nov 14, 2019 | 3 min read
A major sensory neuron in roundworms distinguishes proprioception from harmful touch by sending out local or whole-cell signals, respectively.
schwann cells
Special Schwann Cells in Mice Play Unsung Role in Pain
Nicoletta Lanese | Aug 16, 2019 | 2 min read
The glia seem to make up part of a newly described sensory organ, the discoverers suggest.
Optogenetic Manipulations Create Perception Without Sensory Input
Ruth Williams | Jul 18, 2019 | 3 min read
Advanced single-cell optogenetic tools have enabled researchers to induce a learned behavior in mice without the associated visual cue.
Machine Learning Optimizes Images for Stimulating Monkey Neurons
Ruth Williams | May 2, 2019 | 5 min read
Neural networks generate abstract images designed to activate particular cells, lending insight into their function.
Takaki Komiyama: Circuit Seeker
Molly Sharlach | Nov 1, 2014 | 3 min read
Assistant Professor, Neurobiology Section, University of California, San Diego. Age: 35
An Olfaction Odyssey
Megan Scudellari | Oct 1, 2013 | 9 min read
Thanks to a book, a war, and a big green caterpillar, John Hildebrand found himself mapping the exquisite and surprising wiring of the insect olfactory system.