
What Budget Cuts Might Mean for US Science
Diana Kwon | Mar 21, 2017 | 5 min read
A look at the historical effects of downsized research funding suggests that the Trump administration’s proposed budget could hit early-career scientists the hardest.  
New Budget Bill Short Shrifts Science
Bob Grant | Jan 15, 2014 | 2 min read
The omnibus spending bill unveiled by US Congress this week would restore some research budgets cut by sequestration, but critics say it's not enough.
Science Setbacks: 2013
Bob Grant | Dec 23, 2013 | 2 min read
Attracting research funds is never a simple proposition even in the best of years, but in 2013, life scientists dealt with some unique impediments to getting federal grants.
New Budget Deal to Ease Sequester
Bob Grant | Dec 11, 2013 | 2 min read
US science may get temporary respite from across-the-board funding cuts that have been squeezing research budgets for more than 10 months.
Speaking of Science
The Scientist | Dec 1, 2013 | 2 min read
December 2013's selection of notable quotes
Adding Insult to Injury
Kerry Grens | Nov 11, 2013 | 2 min read
The US government shutdown further hampered a research enterprise already struggling because of the sequester.
Health Budget Distress
Kate Yandell | Jun 5, 2013 | 1 min read
The National Institutes of Health has released a fact sheet on its budget pain following the sequester.
Senate Hears NIH Funding Woes
Bob Grant | May 20, 2013 | 1 min read
Top brass at the US science agency aired monetary grievances before a Senate committee last week.
NIH’s 2013 Budget Cuts Announced
Kate Yandell | May 10, 2013 | 1 min read
The agency released details of the sequester’s effects.
Sequester Hits Research Centers
Edyta Zielinska | Apr 7, 2013 | 1 min read
Academic research universities and cancer centers will have a large hunk of their funding cut because of the government sequester.
Opinion: An Uncertain Future
Kaitlin Christenson | Mar 6, 2013 | 3 min read
As US policymakers debate federal budget cuts, global health science hangs in the balance.
Science Hit by Sequestration
Kate Yandell | Mar 1, 2013 | 2 min read
Agencies like the NSF and NIH are losing around 5 percent of their yearly budgets.
Skimping on Research Funds
Beth Marie Mole | Oct 25, 2012 | 1 min read
Research spending dropped $4 billion dollars in 2011, and could continue to drop, according to a new report.
Sequestration Threatens Science
Bob Grant | Sep 19, 2012 | 3 min read
If Congress can't reach an agreement on reducing the federal deficit by $1.2 trillion, automatic decreases to key federal science agency budgets go into effect.