Vaping Damages Immune Cells, Researchers Find
Vaping Damages Immune Cells, Researchers Find
A small, in vitro study concludes that e-cigarette vapor harms macrophages taken from human lung tissue.
Vaping Damages Immune Cells, Researchers Find
Vaping Damages Immune Cells, Researchers Find

A small, in vitro study concludes that e-cigarette vapor harms macrophages taken from human lung tissue.

A small, in vitro study concludes that e-cigarette vapor harms macrophages taken from human lung tissue.

smoking cessation

Swapping Cigarettes for Vaping
Aggie Mika | Oct 19, 2017 | 7 min read
New evidence suggests e-cigarettes are not without risks to human health, but can be useful in getting people to kick their smoking habit.