A black and white photo of a woman holding up a spider in a pair of tweezers
The Spider Lady, Circa 1939
Nan Songer, a spider expert living in California, played an integral part in the Allies’ success in World War II by supplying silk for bombsights.
The Spider Lady, Circa 1939
The Spider Lady, Circa 1939

Nan Songer, a spider expert living in California, played an integral part in the Allies’ success in World War II by supplying silk for bombsights.

Nan Songer, a spider expert living in California, played an integral part in the Allies’ success in World War II by supplying silk for bombsights.


spider jumping while making silk
Webless Jumping Spiders Spin Super Strong Silk
Chloe Tenn | Nov 12, 2021 | 3 min read
The silk draglines made by zebra jumping spiders are tougher than the silk webbing of orb weaver spiders, even though they’re made at 25 to 35 times the speed.
spider on a web
Spider Uses Its Web Like a Giant Engineered Ear
Dan Robitzski | Oct 29, 2021 | 4 min read
Bridge spiders “outsource” their hearing by building webs that double as acoustic arrays, allowing them to perceive sounds from great distances.
A Song of Spider Silk
Lisa Winter | Apr 15, 2021 | 2 min read
Scientists from MIT reveal the hidden music in spiderwebs.