DARWIN TURNS 197» Charles Darwin's birthday is February 12. Shrewsbury, UK, his birthplace, will be celebrating the entire month, while universities around the world, including Duquesne University, a Catholic university in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, will be holding "Darwin Days" Duquesne reminds those who ask why a Catholic university would hold a Darwin Day, that "the Catholic Church is not at odds with science, even evolutionary biology" See http://tinyurl.com/bww7y
BOOK TO NOTE » Columbia University Press will release Darwin's Harvest: New Approaches to the Origins, Evolution, and Conservation of Crops, a Molecular Approach. The authors - Timothy J. Motley of the New York Botanical Garden, Nyree Zerega of the Chicago Botanic Garden, and Hugh Cross of the National Herbarium of the Netherlands review how molecular techniques are used to understand crop evolution.
DON'T BELIEVE IT » Those investigating the mess that is Woo-Suk Hwang's scientific legacy might want to attend the Outis ...