The Burning Question About Inflammation: Are Cannabinoids the Cure? from thescientistllc on Vimeo.
Simmering, low-level inflammation throughout the body is responsible for many disease processes, ranging from osteoarthritis and cardiovascular disease, to digestive disorders and neurodegeneration. The bioactive molecules, known as cannabinoids, found in plants of the Cannabis species, have been shown to possess powerful anti-inflammatory attributes, and research into their mechanisms of action, efficacy, and tolerability are underway. To explore the potential for cannabinoid-based and/or endocannabinoid-targeted therapeutics in the realm of human disease, and particularly diseases with an inflammatory component, The Scientist is bringing together a panel of experts to discuss their research, and to offer insight into the rewards and challenges of studying a biomedical application for a well-known, but controlled, substance. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with the experts, ask questions, and seek advice on topics related to their research.
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