NATHALIE BELANGERScientists may have an explanation for why startling events like a phone ringing can disrupt one’s train of thought. By recording the brain activities of healthy people and patients with Parkinson’s disease, researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), found that the brain mechanism involved in stopping body movements is activated when memory is disrupted, according to a study published yesterday (April 18) in Nature Communications.
“The radically new idea is that just as the brain's stopping mechanism is involved in stopping what we're doing with our bodies it might also be responsible for interrupting and flushing out our thoughts,” study coauthor Adam Aron of UCSD said in a statement.
To test this hypothesis, study coauthor Jan Wessel, a postdoc in Aron’s lab, and colleagues measured EEG signals from the scalps of 20 healthy participants, as well as signals from electrodes implanted in the brains of seven people with Parkinson’s disease. The participants were presented with a string of letters to remember, but before they had to recall them, they heard a simple tone. In a handful of trials, the participants heard a snippet of birdsong instead of the tone.
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