A Typology of Frames
Specific to Science-Related Issues
Social progress... improving quality of life, or solution to problems. Alternative interpretation as harmony with nature instead of mastery, "sustainability."
Economic development/competitiveness... economic investment, market benefits or risks; local, national, or global competitiveness.
Morality/ethics... right or wrong; respecting or crossing limits, thresholds, or boundaries.
Scientific/technical uncertainty... expert understanding; what is known and unknown; invoking or undermining consensus, "sound science," or peer-review.
Pandora's box / Frankenstein's monster / runaway science... call for precaution in face of possible impacts or catastrophe. Out-of-control, a Frankenstein's monster, or as fatalism, i.e. action is futile, path is chosen, no turning back.
Public accountability/governance... public versus private good; ownership and control, responsible...
Third way/alternative path... possible compromise position, middle way between conflicting views or options.
Conflict/strategy... as a game among elites; who's ahead or behind in winning debate; battle of personalities; or groups; (usually journalist-driven interpretation).